Your Presence as a Leader
Presence is far more that what you are wearing. It’s a state of being confidant and having charisma that has you show up powerfully everywhere.
Have you ever noticed someone walk into a room and found yourself thinking, I need to know that person, or what is it that makes them special?
How do you want to be perceived when you walk into a room?
Through coaching we will address:
- The importance your presence plays in achieving your intentions.
- The power of living from your core values.
- Having clear and healthy boundaries, strengthens your relationships and connections.
- The importance your health and wellbeing play in you being present.
- Having clarity, focus and direction on your purpose and what you want to create next.
The program is a highly customized to meet your objectives to represent the best version of you…powerfully, confidently, and authentically.

Your Presence sends a powerful message to the world!
Generating a Powerful & Engaging Presence on Video
Your professional appearance matters, especially on video chats with your clients and conducting business. Your professional appearance is as important online as when you are meeting in person, if not more important.
Research shows that your appearance and overall presence strongly influences other people’s perception of you. Your presence relays volumes about you, your authority, trustworthiness, intelligence and whether they will want to hire you, or invest in your company’s product and services.
Through coaching you will know how to convey your best self through the lens of the camera.
I invite you to spend 30 minutes with me on the phone to learn how we can work together to empower you to have your presence known and expand your capacity to contribute in a whole new way.
Schedule with Peggy I look forward to connecting with you!